音樂治療專業證書(特殊需要兒童) PC-07
課程設計讓學員能掌握專業的音樂治療技巧,並應用於有特殊需要的兒童身上。適合任何希望運用音樂協助特殊兒童發展的人士如早期訓練人員、幼兒工作者、幼兒/稚園教師、特殊學校教師及各類治療師等。此課程著重音樂、治療、評估及行為管理的技巧培訓,完成課程及經評核合格的學員將能有效地於特殊教育及復康機構內,以音樂作為治療工具協助兒童發展 。
All modules taught by Mr. Pang Ka Wa, Paul ,
Registered Music Therapist, Neurologic Music Therapy Fellow(2007-2017)
The Program
This program aims to equip participants with a good knowledge base and theory in applying Behavioral Music Therapy (ABA techniques included) for children with special needs. Participants who complete the program with satisfactory assessment results would be able to competently apply music therapeutically for children with special needs in educational and rehabilitation settings.
The Participants
The program is designed for teachers, staff and workers working in educational and rehabilitation facilities as well as parents and anyone who would like to acquire skills in using music therapeutically.
Course content
The program consists of 10 modules, a total of 94 hours of instruction and 14 hours on-site practicum work spreading over a 12-month period. Lectures and instructions would be conducted in Cantonese in a part-time evening basis with one class per week.
- Module 1: Music Therapy & Children with Special Needs-Theory and Practice (2 hours x 6 meetings =12 hours)
- Module 2: Guitar (1.25 hour x 8 meetings = 10 hours)
- Module 3: Music Therapy & Children with Special Needs – Practicum course (2 hours x 6 meetings = 12 hours)
- Module 4: Music Activity Repertoire and Accompaniment Skills (2 hours x 6 meetings = 12 hours)
- Module 5: Assessment and Case analysis (2.5 hours x 4 meetings =10 hours)
- Module 6: Improvisation Skills, Djembe (African drum) and Percussions (2 hour x 5 meetings = 10 hours)
- Module 7: Neurologic Music Therapy (2.5 hours x 4 meetings = 10 hours)
- Module 8: On-site Practicum (14 hours)
- Module 9: Practicum briefing and feedback sessions (15 hours)
- Module X: Special Topics(3 hours)
- The teaching includes therapeutic techniques, activity implementing skills and music repertoire that are clinically tested in local settings. In this regards, no foreign music therapy program could come close to its adaptability and practical value for the Cantonese population.
- Small-class instruction format for most of the modules.
- One evening class per week spreading over 12 months to ensure sufficient time for the mastery of music skills and therapeutic techniques.
For further information, entry requirements and enrolment procedures, please visit our web site at http://www.musictherapy.com.hk or call 2815-0688 (pm).