Services for the Special Needs

Population we serve are Autism, Mentally Handicapped, Attention Deficit, Delayed Development, Emotional Disturbance, Hearing Impairment, Hearing Impairment, Visual Impairment, Hyperactivity and Dyslexia.


Speech Cognitive Motor Psycho-Social Music
Speech stimulation Attention Multi-sensory stimulation Social awareness Singing
Receptive speech Imitative learning Eye-hand co-ordination Eye contact Rhythm playing
Expressive speech Auditory perception Fine motor skills Follow instruction Notation reading
Spontaneous speech Visual tracking Upper limb co-ordination Turn taking and cooperation Instrument study
Improve articulation, intonation and rhythm Sensory integration Movement-balance training Anxiety management Creativity training

Admission Procedures

  1. Telephone enquiry (2815 0688) and make appointment for initial consultation.
  2. Initial consultation includes:
    Filling in personal informations and assessment questionaire.
    Face-to-face consultation with Mr. Pang. The purpose is to understand the client’s current level of functioning, the parents’ expectation, thus, establishing initially the training goals and objectives.
  3. Arrangement therapy/training schedule with our Centre Administrator.

**Fee for initial consultation is HK$600-, payable with cheque or cash.